#enjoy.. Fun with scrabble cheater
# sowpods.txt is the list of words in the official SOWPODS Scrabble word list.
#dictionary that stores the letters as the keys and the values as their scores.
scores = {"A": 1, "C": 3, "B": 3, "E": 1, "D": 2, "G": 2,
"F": 4, "I": 1, "H": 4, "K": 5, "J": 8, "M": 3,
"L": 1, "O": 1, "N": 1, "Q": 10, "P": 3, "S": 1,
"R": 1, "U": 1, "T": 1, "W": 4, "V": 4, "Y": 4,
"X": 8, "Z": 10}
my_file = open("sowpods.txt", "r") #open file in read mode.
li = my_file.readlines() # li is the list that stores the of words.
my_file.close() #closes sowpods.txt file.
for i in range(0,len(li)): # for loop that strips new line characters
li[i] = li[i].strip() #from the words
import sys
rack = sys.argv[1] # get the Scrabble rack from the command line.
valid_words = []
for word in li:
candidate = True
rack_letters = list(rack) #rack is stored as a list in racks_letters
for letter in word:
if letter not in rack_letters: #checking if the rack forms the word.
candidate = False
if candidate == True: #if candidate is true calculate score.
total = 0
for letter in word:
total = total + scores[letter]
valid_words.append([total, word])
valid_words.sort() #sorts list of valid words that could be
#formed by the rack
for entry in valid_words:
score = entry[0]
word = entry[1]
print(str(score) + " " + word) #prints score space word.
# sowpods.txt is the list of words in the official SOWPODS Scrabble word list.
#dictionary that stores the letters as the keys and the values as their scores.
scores = {"A": 1, "C": 3, "B": 3, "E": 1, "D": 2, "G": 2,
"F": 4, "I": 1, "H": 4, "K": 5, "J": 8, "M": 3,
"L": 1, "O": 1, "N": 1, "Q": 10, "P": 3, "S": 1,
"R": 1, "U": 1, "T": 1, "W": 4, "V": 4, "Y": 4,
"X": 8, "Z": 10}
my_file = open("sowpods.txt", "r") #open file in read mode.
li = my_file.readlines() # li is the list that stores the of words.
my_file.close() #closes sowpods.txt file.
for i in range(0,len(li)): # for loop that strips new line characters
li[i] = li[i].strip() #from the words
import sys
rack = sys.argv[1] # get the Scrabble rack from the command line.
valid_words = []
for word in li:
candidate = True
rack_letters = list(rack) #rack is stored as a list in racks_letters
for letter in word:
if letter not in rack_letters: #checking if the rack forms the word.
candidate = False
if candidate == True: #if candidate is true calculate score.
total = 0
for letter in word:
total = total + scores[letter]
valid_words.append([total, word])
valid_words.sort() #sorts list of valid words that could be
#formed by the rack
for entry in valid_words:
score = entry[0]
word = entry[1]
print(str(score) + " " + word) #prints score space word.